Uputstva za pripremu apstrakta

Rok za slanje apstrakta:

1 Septembar 2024

  1. Opšte smernice

Apstrakti treba da budu pripremljeni na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku.

Mogu se predstaviti originalne studije i klinički slučajevi.

  1. Struktura apstrakta

Apstrakt ne bi trebalo da prelazi 300 reči, napisanih u fontu Arial 11. Apstrakt treba poslati u formatu doc/docx za Word. Potrebno je prikazati sledeća poglavlja:

  1. Naslov apstrakta VELIKIM SLOVIMA
  2. Glavno telo apstrakta u single line prored sa sledećim poglavljima: Uvod, metode, rezultati, zaključci.
  3. Ne uključivati bibliografiju.
  4. Možete koristiti tabele i slike:

– Tabele: maks. 1 tabela (max 10 kolona/10 redova). Broj reči koje se koriste u tabeli se uključuju u ukupan broj dozvoljenih  reči u abstraktu.

– Slike: max. 2 slike (max 500 KB i max 600(w) x 800(h) piksela) u jpeg ili u png formatu. Slika se računa kao jedna reč prema ukupnom broju reči apstrakta.

Imena i afilijacije autora ne smeju biti uključeni u telu apstrakta.

  1. Proces slanja

Sledite uputstva procesa slanja na mreži i otpremite datoteku u odgovarajuće polje.

Imena i afilijacija autora ne smeju biti uključeni u telo apstrakta, moraju biti popunjeni isključivo preko online portala.

Apstrakti će biti objavljeni tačno onako kako je prosleđeno, bez ikakvog uređivanja u originalnom prosleđivanju.

Ne postoji ograničenje za prosleđene apstrakte.

  1. Prihvatanje apstrakta

Apstrakti koji ne ispunjavaju gore navedene zahteve neće biti prihvaćeni.

Napominjemo da autori koji prezentuju rad moraju biti registrovani učesnci.

Ispravnost ličnih detalja autora (imena i afilijacija) u potpunosti zavisi od odgovornosti autora koji je predao apstrakt. Autor koji šalje rad će biti odgovoran za svu komunikaciju (molimo vas da se uverite da je prosleđen važeći mejl).

Nakon slanja apstrakta, nikakve promene neće biti prihvaćene ni pod kojim uslovima.

Apstrakti poslati e-poštom neće biti prihvaćeni.

Apstrakti primljeni posle isteka roka neće biti prihvaćeni.

Bićete obavešteni o prihvatanju ili odbijanju vaših apstrakata do 10 Septembra 2024.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Deadline for abstract submission:

September 1st, 2024

  1. General Guidelines

Abstracts should be prepared in Serbian or English language.

Original studies and clinical cases can be presented.

  1. Abstract Structure

The abstract should not exceed 300 words, written in Arial 11 cpi (characters per inch) font fully justified. The abstract should be submitted in a doc/docx format (word) file. Typing Instructions for (word) file:

  1. The title of the abstract in UPPER CASE
  2. The main body of the abstract in single line spacing with the following order: Introduction, methods, results, conclusions.
  3. Do not include bibliography.
  4. You can also use tables and images:

– Tables: max. 1 table (max 10 columns/10 rows). The words used in the table count toward the total word count of the abstract.

– Images: max. 2 images (max 500 KB and max 600(w) x 800(h) pixels) in jpeg or in png format. An image counts as one word towards the total word count of the abstract. The authors’ names and affiliations must not be included in the full body of the abstract.

  1. Submission Process

Follow the directions of the online submission process and upload the file in the appropriate field.

The authors’ names and affiliations must not be included in the full body of the abstract, they must be filled in exclusively through the online portal.

Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted, without any editing to the original submission.

There is no limit to the submitted abstracts.

  1. Acceptance Policy

Abstracts that do not meet the above mentioned requirements will not be accepted.

Please note that the presenting author must be a registered participant for the on-site part of the congress. The correctness of the authors’ personal details (names and affiliations) is entirely up to the responsibility of the author who has submitted the abstract. The submitting author will be also responsible for all the communication (please make sure that a valid email is submitted).

After the abstract submission, no changes will be accepted under any circumstances. 

Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

You will be notified on your abstracts’ acceptance or rejection on Sept 10, 2024.

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